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High definition television: ARD and ZDF launch HD programs

Time for the start of the Winter Olympics on 12 Send in February ARD and ZDF their programs in high-definition quality. Thus, the range of an unencrypted so called HD TV is expanded significantly . explains what high definition television brings and what equipment is needed.

TV in better quality

Not only conventional image quality, but high-definition TV : This is what the abbreviation HDTV , english high definition television. HD TV images are generally sharper and more detailed than standard definition television images . The actual image quality depends mainly on the used television and the injected signal. Radiate HD channels either produced from high-resolution broadcasts , or they expect normal programs produced subsequently high. Such reworked productions not deliver quite as good picture as "real" HD broadcasts .

High definition television: ARD and ZDF launch HD programs

Number of HD channels grows

After a few test programs start the first and ZDF with the start of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver finally entered the era of high definition television . The public broadcaster Arte transfers since July 2008, better quality. Also, some private stations broadcast already - but encrypted - in HD from : RTL, Vox, Sat.1, ProSieben and Kabel Eins . Some specialty channels and parts of the pay station Sky Programme will complement the range of high-definition television .

It depends on the receive path

To receive high-definition television , there are several possibilities: The widest range of channels , there is usually via satellite. ARD, ZDF and Arte , as well as the private channels that offer HD , all have received over a bowl. When cable TV , the number of received stations depends on the cable provider from: Germany, the largest cable provider has until the end of January an agreement with ARD and ZDF, the HD offering the pay channel Sky do however many cable providers subscribe. The channels are broadcast via the high-resolution cable connector, should ask their provider interested in HD . Also a very fast internet connection - DSL least 16 000 , it should already be - is it via IPTV possible to receive high-definition television . Only via antenna ( DVB-T) there is no chance in Germany for HDTV . This will probably only be possible in a few years from today's perspective .
Tip: Regardless of which receive path you choose, in any case, you need a corresponding digital signal reception . Satellite dishes and cable connections can be made according to upgraded or converted to . Most cable providers charge a monthly fee for it . Receive path which is best for what and how many charges are about , refer to TV access.

Big catch: Scrambled Channels

Private broadcasters such as RTL , ProSieben, Sat.1 or pay TV channel Sky broadcast their HD channels only encrypted. So the providers hope for significant control over their contents : for example, they can prevent such recordings . Currently, RTL, VOX , ProSieben, Kabel Eins Sat.1 and radiate only via the Astra satellite operator and a joint platform "HD +". Spectators watch the first 12 months free . After falling at a cost of 50 euros per year . Three options are currently under discussion or are already available :

A special satellite receiver with integrated HD + card to recognize the logo "HD +". Some of these devices are already on the market. Two of the Stiftung Warentest already in the current test satellite receiver ( test 02 /2010 ) were tested.
Another possibility is to be offered during the first quarter : a single HD + card with a matching module for the so-called CI + slot. Here then is sufficient a TV with the right receiver and CI + slot , an additional device is required. However, only very few TVs are certified for it.
Paid cards with HD + modules are also announced to upgrade for receiver with so-called CI slot for this year . These will be what exactly , but is not yet known .
In all three variants, viewers must expect that , for example, a movie can either does not absorb or advertising can not be skipped .
Conclusion: Those who already want to now look at the major private broadcasters in high resolution quality are dependent on the satellite operator Astra. Who can wait a little , that should do quietly: The first available only in very few areas, cable providers have announced feed in their network soon RTL HD and VOX HD . Here in the next few months expect a lot of movement , even where the potential receivers .
Tip: If you want to mainly ARD, ZDF and Arte see in high-resolution quality, ranging from a normal HD receiver . The public channels are broadcast by treaty obligation to send their content unencrypted. Some cable receiver under test : DVB receivers .

Modern technology is essential

First the bad news : an old tube TV can not be a high-definition television . Who wants to see sharper images , can not get around a flat screen TV or an HD-compatible projector. In addition, it is quite important to note that the high-resolution viewing experience nothing stands in the way :

Receiver. For high-definition TV an HD -compatible receiver is imperative . For example, reaches an older satellite receiver without HD not .
TV . Devices with the logo "HD ready" can represent high-resolution images, but do not contain a receiver . Wearing a device , however, the logo "HD TV" is an integrated receiver .
Transmission path. But beware: Few television receivers have for all major transmission paths on board , so for cable, satellite and antenna , the latter , however, in Germany does not matter. However, the receiver has to match with the transmission path. Example: If the TV is integrated only a digital cable receiver , but the audience looks over satellite, an additional HD -compatible satellite receiver ( test 02 /2010 ) is needed - even if the TV supports the "HD TV " logo .
External receiver . An additional receiver must be the TV as well as HD-ready . The buyer to recognize the logos "HD TV" or " HD + " . Unlike a built- in TV receiver external device often offer additional options such as recording functions.
Tip: flat screen TV with the best picture quality for high-definition television , see the Product Finder TV .

Lost and found

Who has all the right devices and receives a digital television signal , which was found during a search of the new channels like ZDF HD . Before the start of the Olympic Winter Games run on ARD and ZDF still testing programs , but can already storing in your own program selection . Savvy viewers can also directly enter the data from the respective broadcaster : About the satellite operator Astra , for example, ARD, ZDF and Arte HD on leave in the position 19.2 degrees East and the receive frequency 11.362 GHz.

Conventional TV still possible

Do not worry: Even without watching high-definition technology television viewers only times more easily . All HD devices can receive and process standard signals. Who , for example, a flat screen TV without a built-in or external HD receiver at home , can continue as before so its usual broadcast - just not high definition. Owners of old tube TVs also need not worry : The conventional range , the transmitter continues in parallel .

High Definition Television ( HDTV)

High Definition Television ( HDTV) is an umbrella term for high-definition digital TV, which works with more lines than NTSC or PAL television standard. According to the original goal of HDTV , the resolution should be twice as high as the national television . That would be in Europe and 1,250 lines for NTSC it would be 1,050 rows.

High Definition Television

The activities for high-definition television were primarily driven in the U.S., where the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the American Television Standards Committee (ATSC ) accompanied the standardization. According to the U.S. two standard image formats have been standardized according to BT.709 with different resolution : 1,920 x 1,080 and 1,280 x 720 pixels , and it is shown the image points.
Identification of the various options for HDTV
IDENTIFICATION OF VARIOUS TYPES HDTV encyclopedia , compendium , computer , it, electronics
In Europe, an alternative concept with different image resolutions was drawn up as part of a Eureka project, from which eventually the two already mentioned image formats are selected. The aspect ratio of HDTV is 16:9 , the refresh rate is 24-60 frames per second. Both HDTV formats are specified using the line count and refresh rate , separated by a slash . That with the lower resolution than 720 /25 and the high-resolution with 1.080/25 . With additional letters after the number of lines the scanning is made clear : " i" stands for interlaced , so for interlaced , "p" for progressive scan and psF for Progressive Segmented Frame. The variant identification can then look like this: 720p/30 or 1.080i/29 , 97 So 1080i is an interlaced display with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels, which corresponds to the so-called full HD . Is shown in the same resolution progressive scan , then it is referred to as 1080p .
For video compression using MPEG -2 HDTV , but increasingly the more efficient video codecs such as H.264/AVC and Windows Media Video ( WMV HD ) are used , the MPEG -2 are superior in compression and image quality. These are provided in the DVB-S2 standard .
In addition to other formats for HDTV digital TV have been standardized by the ATSC , the Enhanced Definition Television ( EDTV) , standard definition television (SDTV ) , low definition television ( LDTV ) and the extremely high-resolution ultra - HDTV ( UHDTV ) .
For the transfer and storage of data streams definition video ( HDV) and AVCHD developed two digital video formats with high .

HD-Ready LCD Television

The liquid crystal display television is now a very popular product in the global markets. But lay person will find it difficult to understand the significance of many terms or characteristics that are mentioned in the catalogues or advertisements. Very often consumer wonders about the difference between High Definition Television (HDTV) and HD Ready LCD television. It is to be understood that the high definition television is based on digital mode telecasting system. Due to the digital video compression, HDTV required lesser bandwidth. It will be provided with a high definition timer to make the system capable of receiving HD channels from a hook up antenna. Now a days LCD television sets are featured with HD timer and they can offer enhanced screen rate display.

But there are LCD televisions which usually display only analogue channels. To make such televisions capable of receiving digital telecasts a separate tuner should be provided. Once this special tuner is attached to the analogue unit, it is known as HD ready LCD television, indicating that the set is enabled to receive digital programmes also. To be precise, it can receive both analogue and digital programmes. HD ready television can have conventional aspect ratio of 4:3 or the widescreen format of 16:9 ratio. There will be NTSC tuner also in the system which enables it to receive analogue signals. More and more areas and countries are changing over to digital mode of telecasting in the world, but there are places where analogue is still in vogue. Consumers who live in regions where both types of telecasts are available can opt for HD Ready television to watch both types of programmes. The HD ready TV will have the advantage of having capability to process high definition signals at 720p, 1080i and 1080p in digital mode. Such LCD televisions will have a minimum native resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

The HD ready LCD television is now a much sought after product in the market. It can yield clear, sharp or crisp display. At times it may become necessary to up grade the existing television to make it compatible with high definition telecasts. Apart from the minimum native resolution, an HD ready television should also have analogue HD input, accepted video format without distortion and digital HDMI or DVI input. The consumer should make sure that television is having HD Ready logo while shopping for one. All leading players in the global television market have introduced their products with variety of features. LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Philips are among such leading manufacturers. Prices vary according to size and other features incorporated in them.

As in the case of all consumer electronics, television market is now very vibrant notwithstanding the global economic slowdown. There are special websites which deal with LCD television of all models, types and makes. Consumers should visit the relevant websites to locate a favourite product within the budget but with all desired features. Plethora of publicity materials and catalogues may at times confuse the shoppers. But there are reliable dealers who offer constructive suggestions in the matter of choosing a television. Make use of price comparison sites to strike bargains.

Checkout latest LCD television offers, compare prices and read unbiased reviews on 3D Televisions, Daewoo, Hannspree, Matsui lcd televisions at LCD TV reviews website.

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By Fredrick Joy


Consumers shopping for a new television may find the various types and options on modern sets a bit overwhelming. One of the new sets that may be unfamiliar to shoppers is the HD LCD TV. Although these televisions have been around for several years now, many people are just now replacing an old television unit and have never researched this newer product.

The HD in the HD Ready LCD television label stands for high definition. This results in a picture so clear that it is easy to see the expressions on the faces of sports fans in the stands during a game. Those who watch movies also find high definition wonderful because the picture fills the screen entirely during the show.

This picture quality and clarity in an HD Ready LCD TV comes in part from technology that allows it to receive a broadcast in 1080 resolution. The HD LCD TV sets display one of the sharpest pictures available in a television set. If the HD technology is not designed into the unit, consumers who purchase televisions must also buy an external device to receive the brighter high definition resolution.

The LCD designation in the HD LCD TV line stands for liquid crystal display. When liquid crystals are pressed between two flat plates of glass, electricity can then be passed through the crystals to produce brilliantly colored pixels with highly refined edges to give sharpness to the images that appear on the screen.

When purchasing an HD Ready LCD TV, consumers are getting both of these outstanding technologies incorporated into the same set. Most find that the HD Ready LCD television's picture is comparable to the pictures found on a plasma television, but the HD Ready LCD TV may have some added benefits. The HD Ready LCD television's flat screen takes up very little space, and it is quite energy efficient.

Also, the HD Ready LCD TV maintains its picture quality over time so maintenance costs are reasonable. It is lighter than other types of televisions so moving it is much easier. The only way to get a true idea of how much different this new technology is from the others available is to view it personally. Researching the various brands and models online, however, is an excellent way to narrow down the choices. Then, prices between these brands may be compared online or in a retail store.

HD Ready LCD TV sets may be purchased with screens as small as fifteen inches or as large as fifty-two inches for those who want a movie theater type experience. HD Ready LCD televisions have also been on the market long enough to be quite reasonably priced. Most of these sets even come equipped with Dolby surround sound to give the ultimate in viewing experiences. Some brands have special motion technology to keep fast action scenes from blurring. This is important technology as special effects evolve to give the viewers greater thrills and more realism than in the past.

Matthew Kerridge is an expert within the television industry. If you are looking for a cheap HD ready LCD TV please visit

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How to Buy a LCD TV in 3 Easy Steps

I've got a confession to make. I love television. And I love big screen TVs. Especially the new flat panel models. Before you know it, everyone will forgo their traditional CRT television sets and own a LCD flat screen TV. This idea really isn't as strange as it sounds. LCD flat screen TVs are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason.

But, you may be wondering, what exactly is a flat screen TV? Flat screen TVs have displays only a few inches thick. This makes them attractive and extremely convenient. You can now hang this kind of TV on the wall, or place the set in thin areas. A LCD flat screen TV can save a lot of room in your home and look stylish doing so. However, there are a few things one should know before he or she buys a LCD flat screen TV.

1. LCD vs. Plasma.

What About Plasma TV?

Plasma TVs heavily rely on the fluorescent light bulb. A plasma flat screen display consists of cells. Inside each cell are two glass panels separated by a narrow gap. These gaps are injected with neon-xenon gas and sealed in plasma form. The gas is electrically charged when the plasma TV set is in use. The gas strikes red, green, and blue phosphors. This is what creates the TV image.

Because plasma TVs use the burning of phosphors to produce an image, they can suffer from the same drawbacks of traditional TVs, such as high heat generation and screen burn-in. Also, plasma TVs tend to be very expensive.

2. Learn about LCD TVs.

What to Know About a LCD Flat Screen TV

A LCD flat screen TV consists of primarily two transparent, glass-like materials, which are polarized, and "glued" together. One of the plates is coated with a polymer that holds the individual liquid crystals. Electric current is then passed through individual crystals. This allow the crystals to pass or block light to create images. Unlike plasma TVs, an external light source is needed.

LCD flat screen TV screens range from 15-inch models that are primarily used as computer monitors or secondary TVs, to 40-inch wide screen TVs. (Although Sharp makes a magnificent 65-inch flat screen TV in its Aquos brand lineup.)

3. Become a True Expert.

Know what you are talking about when you purchase your LCD TV. These pointers pale in comparison to the rest of the story. Learn all about LCD TVs today.

Amy Metz is author of “How to Shop For a LCD TV [] Shopping.” Get your copy at []

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By Amy Metz

Sansui LCD TV

Sansui is a pioneer in the television industry, it was founded in 1947 in Tokyo, Japan and has operations in over a 100 countries. Over the years Sansui has been manufacturing televisions with the latest technology and it has developed a name in the entertainment industry. Sansui was awarded the title of "company of the year" 8 times in a row by the Japanese government. In India, Sansui started its operation in 1997. Now it has more than 1600 employees and has sold more than 1 million CTV's this year.

In the current industry, Sansui LCD TV has been offering the latest technology products loaded with features. The Consumer also demands wide range of products with specific features. Sansui has been meeting the demands of the LCD TV industry by manufacturing dynamic products equipped with the latest features.

Sansui LCD TV's in India is one of the leading manufactures in the television industry. Some of the popular models by Sansui are the FONTES GL 32, which is a 32" Inch (81cm) Screen LCD TV with UV Glossy Finish. The Sansui Fontes GL 32 is equipped with a 75000:1 Super Contrast Ratio with 6ms Response Time and 1366x768 screen resolution. The Sansui Fontes GL 32 offers 450cd/m2 brightness, a 5 Picture mode, Back light adjustment and Cinema Mode for great viewing experience.

Another popular model is Sansui Fontes EL 32 which is equipped with a 32" Inch (81cm) Screen with 1366 x 768 pixels screen resolution. The Sansui Fontes EL 32 offers 30,000:1 Super Contrast Ratio and 16.7 Million colors display. This Sansui LCD TV provides a great entertainment experience to the viewer with just 6.5ms response time and a brightness ratio of 500 Cd/m2. It also provides 4 selectable picture modes, automatic image optimization, 3 mode color tone adjustment and backlight adjustment. The Fontes EL 32 Sansui LCD TVs has connectivity options like S-Video In, VGA IN, PC audio IN and 2 HDMI ports.

Sansui Fontes AL 32 sports a 32" Inch (81cm) Screen Size, with 1366 x 768 pixels screen resolution. Other features of this Sansui LCD TV are a 16:9 Aspect Ratio, 16.7 Million Colors, 30,000:1 Super contrast ratio, 500 Cd/M2 brightness and 6.5 ms response time. The Sansui Fontes AL 32 has 4 selectabe picture modes, 3 mode color tone adjustment, back light adjustment, automatic image optimization and MPEG noise reduction mode.

John Wells is an expert in personal electronic gadgets including laptops, Micromax Mobile, LCD Tvs and Lenovo Laptops, and many more. Read the Expert Reviews and Users Reviews of your gadgets at

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By John K Wells

Plasma and LCD TV Battle of the Best! - And the Winner IS?

If you are someone who is craving for a flat screen Television but cannot make up your mind as to which type is more superior, you might as well take a good look of this article as it will discuss comparisons between a plasma TV and a LCD TVs plus its particular features. As for this moment, it cannot be denied that Plasma TVs have a minor advantage on top of LCD TVs. However, the latter sort of television may soon capture the title of "the worldwide ruler of all flat screens" and take the higher advantage on top of plasma Television. Soon, the same will win the match off as against plasma TVs. Hence, with no further ado, detailed comparison between these two contending televisions shall be the following.

Recent update on the television match-off states that Plasma took an early lead as against the other as it manufactured big format Televisions like the 42 and 50 inch versions. Said television had long been in existence and because of this fact, its value in the market started to decline from more than $5,000, its price years before, to $2,500 or less at present. Score board gives one point to Plasma in the battle of Plasma against cheap LCD TVs.

During the previous years, LCD TVs were not able to manufacture anything which is much bigger than 30 inches. However, in recent times, the LCD TV manufacturers are currently introducing more and more televisions. Samsung LCD TV, for instance, has a lot of models. These models now reach 42 and 50 inches. Necessarily, these two contending televisions started to have a close fight.

At present the trendiest size is that which measures 42 inches. Because of this trend, television companies started manufacturing a lot of 42-inch televisions in order to win the battle between plasma and LCD TVs. As a consequence, the stock of this product also started overflowing. Because of this, manufacturers shall start selling them at a much lower price. Hence, at present, the match off between plasma and LCD TV places the former on top if the factor to consider is the price. This is a consequence of its early start on manufacturing the bigger television versions. Nonetheless, LCD TVs will soon be cutting its prices all the more in the succeeding couple of years. Panasonic LCD TVs are among those branded televisions that lowered its prices. This is also true to Sharp LCD TVs. At that time, the match-off will then place said sort of technology at a greater advantage over plasma.

Are you someone who desires more enjoyment on multimedia benefits? If so, although you can find them in both electronic sources, still LCD TVs will win over plasma in the battle between plasma vs. LCD TV in this area. This is by reason of their memory sticks and PC inputs that permit the use of the LCD TV screen as a computer monitor. More so, MP3 Audio files can now be played in the said television and that pictures originating from your digital camera may now likewise be shared. Furthermore, cooler graphics and text are also produced by LCD Televisions and they are much better than plasmas. Consequently, this will be perfect for all video game fanatics. LCD TV, therefore, gains another point in the scoreboard considering its multimedia capabilities as against plasmas.

Now, the question of why LCD TVs are now placed at a more advantageous position arises. Why are plasma TVs now losing its grip to winning the competition over LCD TVs? First and foremost, LCD TVs function for a longer duration as compared to plasma TVs as the former defeats the latter for roughly about 20,000 life hours. Moreover, burn-ins are concerns in plasma while they are not existing in LCD Televisions. Said electronic technology is given a point for the fact that it lasts longer than plasma. Although a 42 inch TV is now among the trendy gadgets, another advantage is taken by LCD TVs since they are also able to manufacture tiny and handy models which are extremely well-liked among families including the children who fancy taking a trip and traveling.

Plasmas may not have been totally outmoded by the LCD TVs. However, one sure fact is that the latter will ultimately win the battle against the former in its popularity contest. This is for the reason that their value in the market declined but its dependability remained escalating and will remain escalating in the few succeeding years.

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By Franklin Kern

How to choose a Panasonic TV? (advice

You want to buy a new screen, but you are lost among all existing Panasonic TVs. What to choose? Panasonic lcd? a plasma screen? Not easy to navigate , the range necessant growing share of the growing number of newly patented technologies. We will try to assist you in your choice.

The Panasonic website

For the Panasonic range , nothing like that to go to the official web page where are listed all their products , television, camera , computer , camera , blue ray players and much more.
Here is the link to go directly to the summary page of their products you:
Top left of the page, you can link to neoplasma screens, plasma screens , LED screens and LCD screens.
Once you have chosen the item, you are geared directly to the list of corresponding products.
If you want to compare different models , Panasonic has everything. Simply select the TV you interesting , then click on "compare models " . You will then read directly comparing the models through an extremely well-designed table.

Tip and best deals now

Tip to find a very simple way the screen size

Whether you are on the internet in a specialty store , or you read a magazine mail , you have been faced with a problem , how to find the size of the screen on a TV.
Our tip is to look at the reference product. Indeed, the first number is always the screen size in number of inches. For more information: 1 inch equals 2.54 cm
Thus, taking an example at random from the Panasonic screen. The TX- PF46ST30 . The first number is 46. So this is a TV 46 inches or 46x2 , 54cm is equal to 117cm .
The best deals of the moment on the TX- PF42G20S is offered at the price of € 469 instead of € 499 . on the TX- PF46ST30 is proposed to € 1057 instead of € 1249 .
Material on . net , the TX- P50VT20E is proposed to € 1199 instead of € 1519 . It is for us the best deal at the time.
( Price recorded in June 2011)

How to buy a TV on credit? (advice, procedures)

Plasma or LCD? Choosing your television made ​​, if you are in a store , simply contact the seller. It will publish a quote and tell you where to locate the office to set up a credit fund this purchase, because you decided to pay by installments .

How to buy a TV on credit? (advice, procedures)

in stock

All stores that offer this type of purchase have a funding partner , a company that offers independent credit card in the name of the store ( Example: Conforama in partnership with Facet , Darty in partnership with Ménafinance , Planet Saturn in partnership with Franfinance , etc . ) . This card entitles you to a settlement credit in the store in question.
That day , the seller fill , computer , an online form of the credit company with your personal information such as your identity , the identity of your spouse (or spouse) , the number of dependent children, your fashion house, your professional situation and that of your spouse (or spouse) , your income , your monthly expenses ( rent, outstanding loans , etc. . ) and the name of your bank.
You will be asked if you agree to purchase insurance , which is optional . Also, you will need to provide supporting documents such as identity card, proof of residence , the last payslip or the last 3, an account number , etc. .
For some stores , acceptance is given or not an online software or contact the seller credit agency . The contract signed , so you agree to pay a certain amount per month with interest charges or not . The TV waiting for you at home, in the store inventory .

On a site selling online

If you buy on the web, you fill your shopping cart and click on the heading of payment solutions and payment facilities to complete the requested data.
The site of the credit agency sends you a contract by mail or email and when completed , you send supporting the contract . Once accepted, you receive the TV package.
Beware , with this card, you have access to a pool of money withdrawable from a vending machine . This reserve will be deducted from cash or credit to your bank account .

Television, video, service, site TVS

TVS ( Television Video Services ) has a website where you will find all information about this company . You will also discover their work in progress or completed , the companies with which they have worked and all the services they offer. You can read an overview of this website and its contents in this article.

Television, video, service, site TVS

A site in modern interface

TVS works with many TV channels in France and on various projects :
Movies .
TV .
Editions DVD , etc. ...
TVS site , which you can find at is firmly placed under the sign of modernity. Designed and built by the company IdSide ( communications agency specializing in media ), its simple and intuitive interface on the same page all the different areas of TVS .
Each activity is represented by a framework that just click to access related information .
At the top , a scroll bar hidden contains links to all the websites of the companies that worked with TVS .
To get there, simply click on "References" and the logo you want .
At the bottom , another scroll bar , displayed one, lists News TVS and projects they are currently working .
There is also a " Contact" tab, which shows the ways to contact the company ( by email or phone ) , as well as its physical address .
Another tab called " Space " allows for him to discover the current listings for recruitment of professional made ​​by the company.
Various services

By a simple click on the activity you are interested , you can read a detailed description about it to understand the field of intervention of TVS . You will find more material available to the company as part of this activity and the services it provides links .
Comprehensive and intuitive , their website has a range of attractive services for customers interested and plenty of information for fans , including the presentation of the material for each jurisdiction.
The curious will also appreciate to discover the list of accomplishments TVS , working on projects sometimes renamed.
TVS is a leading player in the field of dubbing, audio description , subtitling but also the post production.
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